Decreased IQ, brain damage and more.
It’s in your paint, dust, soil and water
Protect yourself. Protect your family.
Does boiling water reduce the effects of lead?
Is your home, school and child care center safe?
Demand change in Allegheny County.
Dust from lead-based paint and soil is the leading cause of lead poisoning in Allegheny County children, according to investigations conducted by the Allegheny County Health Department. And since demolitions tend to kick up dust, it’s important to find ways to prevent dust from traveling through a neighborhood. To mitigate dust and prevent exposure to toxic lead dust, contractors use the ‘Wet-Wet-Wet Method’ for demolitions.
Wonder if that demo in your neighborhood is lead-safe? Become a Demo Detector.
“Get the Lead Out, Pittsburgh” is a public awareness campaign designed to shine a light on lead poisoning in Allegheny County, help families who are impacted by lead poisoning, and enact changes to make our community safer.
Want to join us? Email info@gettheleadoutpgh.